The Bridge Cottage Way
growing food, organic gardening and seasonal eating

The Bridge Cottage Way.

Sue Reed
Sue started The Bridge Cottage Way back in 2011, when she began writing about gentle living, and her passions: growing food, organic gardening and seasonal eating.
The idea came after a conversation with a work colleague who, in November had asked for a courgette flower for her tortoise.
‘But it’s November’, Sue said.
‘Yes, so what?’ the woman replied, ‘they have courgettes in Tesco.
Having grown up with grandparents who shared their love of growing fruit and vegetables with her, and a father who had an allotment and veg patch, seasonal eating is second nature to Sue and her family. It came as a shock when she realised that for many, with the constant flow of fruit and vegetables all year round in supermarkets, many do not understand what is in season here and when. The impact on our planet and climate change cannot be underestimated with the demand for food that comes from the other side of the world, grown under plastic, shrink wrapped or in single use plastic containers and flown here.
Help folk understand about seasonal eating
Of course, not everyone has the luxury of a greenhouse, allotment or veg plot, but through the writing in The Bridge Cottage Way, Sue hopes to share something of her passion for growing food, pickling, and preserving, to help folk understand about seasonal eating. After all, the taste of a June strawberry, ripened in the sun, cannot be compared to one grown under plastic in December. As one crop gluts, another comes into season, giving us variety, joy, fresh food packed full of vitamins and of course, reducing the drain on our planet’s precious resources.
Sue hopes to write a year book when time allows with growing tips, seasonal recipes and anecdotes from life down the lane.
Do hop over to The Bridge Cottage Way and browse the website. The garden gate’s open and the kettle’s always on in the Bridge Cottage kitchen.

Join us on Substack
We produce four newsletters a year over on Substack on the Winter and Summer Solstices, Spring and Autumn Equinox – sign up to hear the news and get seasonal growing tips and recipes.